We live in a very bikeable community. The compound is just big enough and the weather is just hot enough that walking is not always a good option. But, it’s also small enough that a car sometimes seems like overkill. Don’t get me wrong, we now own 2 cars, but before we had kids we did fine getting around by bike all year long.
The terrain is flat so it’s not too important to be in great shape, and they even sell bikes and trikes on campus. The trikes mean that even adults who don’t know how to ride a 2-wheeler can bike around too. We’ve even noticed that it’s faster to go by bike than car for most journeys.
Plus, you have beautiful views all around you – and nearly 365 days of sunshine. It’s perfect bike weather on all but the hottest days.
Recently, Marcos Aguilar, an environmental health and safety specialist at KAUST (and a regular contributor of media on this site) shared a fabulous video of one of his bike rides around the KAUST campus. I really enjoyed it and hope you do too!