Tag Archives: social media

Online tools for life at KAUST

By | May 15, 2019

[Update: the below information which was initially published in August 2015, has been refreshed in May 2019. I’ve curated the information to include current and accurate information.] For the second time, I asked our community Facebook page for suggestions for online tools that are invaluable for life at KAUST. Here is a round-up of what I learned: Tools… Read More »

Slidedeck: Intro to Using Social Media for Nonprofits

By | November 10, 2010

I presented at the Humanitarian Centre last night on the topic of getting started using social media at small organisations. Here are my slides: Intro to Social Media for Nonprofits You can download this presentation – including the speaker notes. Thanks so much to the audience, for listening, and to the Humanitarian Centre for hosting!